Who We Are
Step into the virtual foyer of the Edgewood Baptist Church website, where a heartfelt welcome awaits you! Whether you’re embarking on a fresh journey with EBC, settling into our vibrant city, or simply exploring the realm of spirituality, we extend our warmest invitation to you. Here at Edgewood, our purpose radiates with a singular focus: to honor God and illuminate His presence for everyone, everywhere. No matter where you are on life’s journey or what corner of the world you call home, our arms are open wide to embrace you. Join us as we embark on this sacred journey together, bound by the threads of faith and community.
Where To Find Us
Outreach, Inc.
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1807 Infinity Road Durham, NC 27712 t. 919-471-2664 info@edgewoodbaptistdurham.com We’re located off 501 just 15 minutes north of downtown Durham…Head north on 501, turn right on Infinity Rd, and we’ll be on the left – 2 1/2 miles down!